5th General Meeting: David Diaz's BARRIO URBANISM
This is the CAN'T MISS CASA Meeting of the semester: Berkeley Urban Studies alumni of '76, UCLA Phd in City Planning, Professional, and author of "Barrio Urbanism."
Dont Miss Out
old members and 1stTIMERS are welcome!
The first book on Latinos in America from an urban planning/policy perspective, covers the last century..., and includes a substantial historical overview about the subject. Diaz traces the movement of Latinos (primarily Chicanos) into American cities from Mexico and describes the problems faced in these cities. He shows how the planning profession and developers consistently failed to meet their needs due to both poverty and racism. Attention is also paid to the most pressing concerns in Latino barrios during recent times, including environmental degradation and justice, land use policy, and others. The book closes with a consideration of the issues that will face Latinos as they become the nation's largest minority in the 21st century.
(ABOVE description partial courtesy of Google Books Review)